Category: Uncategorised

Comment on Tengfei shi V&R map post-Zihan(Amy) Bai

Hi, Tengfei shi,
Thank you for sharing your map. It is very interesting to see other people’s perspectives. It is very interesting to see and a little surprise that you put Wechat in the Resident Institutional area because I consider Wechat is a very private space even though I use it to communicate with people who work with me. It is good to see you think this way but just keep in mind the privacy because you do not want to share everything through Wechat. Especially nowadays, we have to update personal banking information and ID on Wechat.
Furthermore, I agree with the point you make that data privacy has a double side. I mention that in my post as well like it is good to develop the social media platform and widely used around the world, but the data privacy is a very big issue that people’s information can be stolen to use for advertisement or other stuff.

Comment for Learning prompts

Comments on Zoey blog

Thank you for sharing the experience about learning Spanish. Sometimes learning new language might be hard due to interest like you said people will easily to lose interestĀ if they do not have a strongĀ passion. I feel the same way if i do not have strong passion and not keep working on it i will lose the interest so fast. And i know a lot of people like to switch things a lot because they will feel bored easily. They can not find new things in one interest. So how can you dealĀ with that? Do you have any strategy idea to share? Furthermore, I saw you said because of family expection and environmental influence, people can not follow or decide their interest. So in your opinion is it more important to survive like make money or is that more important to find what you interest? And I know a lot of people that they do not have choice due to family issues so how can we help them?

Comments on Caprim blog

Thank you for sharing the experience. It was a very interesting thought about target same as business idea. For example, if i want to invest something i should think who is my target and who i focus on. Then set a goal to achieve. Yes i would like to think about that as making my passion for long term investment. Finding a mental supporter is a really good way to keep everything going. As myself, I always set a mental supporter behind my goal like i want to finish my psychology degree because i want to help more people and help my family to get rid off the stressful situation. There is always something to push myself otherwise i will easily to give up!!



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