People all know social media platforms are helping in our daily lives such as communicating with one other, finding jobs online faster, understanding what is going on around the world, and easy access to online tools. However, sometimes online data is not very safe and secure. Last week, the video said online data privacy would protect individuals, but there are still cases like people getting scam phone calls daily. Online data privacy does give the same security so people will feel comfortable using online banking or shopping online. On the other hand, there is a tense website that is not that safe. Once we click on one page, we are basically under the company advertisement target.
In my social network, depending on which social platform I am on I will use a different digital identity. For example, if I am on Instagram or Snapchat, I will express my true feeling without worry someone judging me. I will post and share my happiness and sadness whenever I want through those social platforms because I am comfortable with them. However, if I am on Facebook or Wechat, I am totally different person because the stuff I post may affect my job or work environment. Sometimes I will use Facebook and Wechat to find jobs, so my boss and family members will see what I post and how I express myself. In this situation, I will just post something I feel valuable and carefully pick what I can say.
I think I am aware of what I post online and sometimes I am totally the opposite person online and offline. If they ask I think the best answer is no one actually shares their fully real self in real life so it will be considered acceptable if they see me too emotional online. Furthermore, depends on the company and position that I apply for, not all companies care what we post as long as the post is not against racism or law. Social identity is always a little bit different than real self-identity because we feel more comfortable online than in real life. As long as we are aware of what we post and say that is not a huge deal.

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