Hey, @Pod 6 group members. Thank you for sharing an amazing lesson with us. I really like the topic that you choosing because I know there are more and more students who face this problem and it actually affects their behavior. Technologies are so popular nowadays and everyone needs them at some point during the day so it was really hard for a student to get rid of this habit. However, as I read the lesson that you explain, I slowly believe we can make some changes that are for sure. For example, in the activity part, I really like how you give the cues to lead students step by step. On the other hand, I suggest the appendix ABC can move closer or attach to the bar so it will make more sense when you address that. I really like the tips that support students but I think if the tips create more directly using visual learning elements will be more persuasive. Furthermore, it is a really good mark rubric that having less restriction but I think participation is a really important part of this lesson too. And if the teacher does not encourage students to participate then it will be hard to gain knowledge. I am thinking based on the lesson maybe the lesson itself needs to use less technology teaching style to encourage students maybe? It will be a good idea to have more face to face interaction activities than video activities or use natural elements. If teachers or students really want to see the changes I think they need to do those questionnaires to test themselves again and compare them to the beginning of the lecture. I think you guys forgot the reference page too. Overall, I think the lesson is amazing and I wish I can learn more about that. I am addicted to technology so I am learning through this lesson too. I hope to see some changes in the future and hope my comments help.
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