Category: edci337-blog

Learning Objectives-Zihan Bai(Amy)

The Bad News game was super interesting to lead the audience to an active learning pathway. The audience can choose whatever road or stream that they want to go and will create different themes depending on what we choose. The one thing I like about it, the game did a really good job on the Spatial Contiguity principle because they always try to put pictures and words together. So, we can have a better understanding of the story that we are making. The other thing was the game gives the audience direct feedback to let them know what we are doing so far and how to improve it. It gives us guidance to gain more followers. One thing I think this needs to improve by adding a human voice or having a button to read aloud or read the comment out could be more fun.

My sketch note-taking is based on my psychology course this semester. I am trying to create the original text and content to a new form of text like using pictures instead of boring explanations and making a case study to a visual image. This way can help me apply to the Redundancy principle instead of distracting by long paragraph. I was taking all the keywords and put them into my way of memorizing them. My note is like a retrieval cue like once I saw the picture, I will know what is talking about in the lecture. I also used the Signal principle that highlights some keywords to help me remember. Symbols and pictures will create a more interesting context for reviewing and a new way to apply old knowledge.

The Process of Storytelling-Zihan bai(Amy)

Based on the lecture that the article “Storytelling: Bringing the power of stories to your teaching”, the author explains how to interact and efficiently tell the story. Video narrative could be more effective in encouraging students to backup the files on the laptops because it helps the narrator to remember what is going on in that story. The picture helping the narrator to trigger the stimuli and active the “mirror neuron” to make a flashback. The narrator could act as an audience to test his memory. However, the only problem is the file might be too big to save compared to audio. Audio is easier to save in different place no matter is a hard drive or backup app. But every time the narrator listens to his own story will create a different image out of the story, so it could make to a different understanding when he wants to create the story again.
Video narrative has its advantage so I do not want to judge about the less effective or more effective question. Individual difference creates a different preference norm, so depends on people’s learning style people might choose audio-only for less distraction. More pictures not only help to understand the story but also can lock people’s imagination into that “box”.
The two version narratives both highlight the segmenting principle which does give the audience option to pause the video/audio and go with their speed. Also, the personalized principle did raise the engagement on both forms because the professor using a slow and casual voice to describe the story. Our professor did use the redundancy principle in the video narrative to give a direct understanding by using pictures while he is talking. Overall, for education purpose teacher may combine both narratives to improve the quality.

Twine story:


Evaluating Multimedia & Tools-Blog5 (Zihan Bai)

Multimedia is widely using in people’s daily life, so people are more likely to seek fast and easy technologies such as video, PowerPoint, WordPress, or some other online teaching tools. After I learned the SAMR model, I found that some of the paperwork in school can not just substitute for technologies. For example, I know a lot of teachers are using software or apps to create a test. It saves a lot of time because the computer is doing all the calculations for us. However, if there is one small error that carries out through the whole exam students will be more likely to get a zero. One small error can make a huge difference so the combined real person to go through it or repeat the process might be better just change to technologies. Another point is teachers need to pay more attention to the surface “substitution” part. If students can not get full engagement on the base level, then it is hard to dive into redefinition by using different technology tools.

Technologies give people more variety of learning methods. The strength of the SECTION model does explain how people can use select teaching and media tools base on students’ interests. For example, technologies can well support people who are blind or hearing disorder; then they can use either voice record method through online teaching. It is a better way to lower the cost of hiring a professional teacher and decrease stress when people are struggling to learn in a crowded environment. However, depends on the lesson or app that people are creating, it may increase the cost by time and retesting the lessons. Besides, because of the modern fast development of multimedia, it is a lack of privacy that teachers can control. Overall, teachers need to think it is necessary to use section model and multimedia or not, then create the lesson based on the needs.


360 tour in the library  based on Uvic:


The Design Process & Lesson Planning-Blog4(Zihan Bai)

Multimedia plans are very important before building an actual lesson. People should think deeply base on the “SECTIONS” model that the lecture explains. Nowadays, there are many multimedia lessons had well developed, so people should first make the lesson as fun as possible to catch the audience’s eyes without drying them out through the lesson. Brainstorm and detail plans will make teachers less frustrating if students lose interest or too difficult to follow. The teacher may easily change to another way of teaching this concept because they had fully prepared those outcomes. When people making plans, they should know how to interact with their audience that is related to the Ecological theory. This theory demonstrates how child development can interact with the environment and how environmental factors will influence children’s behavior (Paquette&Ryan, 2009). Therefore, if the teacher had made enough interactions with students, they will not only learn some knowledge through this lesson but also use this knowledge to apply future problems.

Videos with popup informational text boxes and embedded multiple-choice questions are a very unique way to reflect the knowledge that the audience had learn through that video. The multimedia media principle that we have used is signaling. The signaling principle is helping the audience to highlight the important concepts that we want them to pay attention to. Also, it can help the audience to reflect and self-regulation. If we put the text boxes or questions on the same page, at this point we are trying to emphasize the split attention principle. We are catching the audience’s attention on the same concepts without going back and forth. People can pose the video to do the questions and go at their own pace. Overall, text boxes and questions can use in a valuable way to test engagement.


Paquette, D., & Ryan, J. (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory.

Multimedia Learning Principles-Blog 3 (Zihanbai)



Multimedia is a very useful tool for presenting information or lessons. According to Dr. Ray Pastore’s video about multimedia learning principles, I realized his video did not use enough principles since he is explaining what the advantage and disadvantages base on those principles are. He did include three pictures, but he did not make the texts and pictures well balanced. His split attention theory is very weak in this video that using his face on the left screen is very distracting and hard to focus on his texts. Also, he did not do a good job on the redundancy principle. He did mention using both text and sound plus text and summary. However, he did not include that in his PowerPoint. Furthermore, about the heart picture that he did explain, it was very irrelevant information. He should use some picture examples base on his topic. Pictures and topic did not match can give misleading information (Ray Pastore, PH.D. Aug 2018).
People are using PowerPoint for teaching tools more often so in the classroom condition we like to make students or audiences more engage to our topic. Teachers or professors can use the split attention principle, redundancy principle, spatial & temporal contiguity, and signaling to make pictures and text on one page. The text should be short and have important words highlight on it. The teacher should explain the context or picture while he is talking. If students prefer to read by themselves, they can read the summary on the screen or if they prefer to listen they can listen to the prof and watch the picture.
Overall, if we combined all the elements that we had to learn from the video, we can make a full engagement art to help people to learn.



-Ray Pastore, PH.D.  (2018, Aug 16). What is Multimedia Learning?  What is Multimedia? [ Video]. Youtube.

The Role of Stories in Multimedia Learning-Blog2(zihan Bai)

Learning theory is a hot topic nowadays because we are using behaviorist theories, cognitive theories, and constructivist theories together in our interactive learning method. People need interactions with each other not only to gain knowledge but also for self-reflection. For example. When we have a bad parenting model, we are more likely to adopt that bad behavior. However, if we are living in a good cultural background, we are more likely to develop high plasticity. Our behavior and cognition influence one and another so once we understand how does learning theory work, we will know how to make good interactions through the lessons.

According to today’s lecture, I had learned a lot about Dual coding theory. Before I learned those, I was making PowerPoint either just using images and words or videos with words. I never thought about combined images and video together or using voice records instead of words. I think the voice recording inside of PPT will be more interesting than dry paragraphs. Also, combined those two elements will shift our short-term memory to long term memory due to the retrieval cue. Ears and eyes are the most sensitive part of our body, so if we are making something to catch attention, we will make more engagement in our PPT.

The Hypothesis tool is very useful for teachers and students to interact and trying to build a collaboration environment. Students can simply type the annotations on the part that they did not understand. However, the disadvantage is a student may face a hard time learning how to use it because it was a new tool for students. Overall, this tool did catch my attention and interests.

Audio Channel Visual Channel













Blog 1 EDCI337 Personal Reflection

According to all articles on Brightspace in this chapter, I learned that we should combine and balance non-digital multimedia and digital multimedia together. I have experienced multiple non-digital multimedia teaching methods such as brainstorm, story sharing, nature walks, and group discussions. Those are useful ways to gain knowledge because students can have natural feelings according to stories or case studies. When teacher use stories telling method or students sharing their own experiences with others are more likely to think how this experience relates or affect to themselves. Once this story was shared by a real person, we will see true emotional changes and facial expressions. People will have a real feeling attached to themselves and more likely to engage in discussions. From the psychological point of view, nowadays more and more people have social anxiety and prefer digital multimedia learning style. People are afraid of facing a real person because they feel embarrassed or shy to speak (Schmidt, 2020). However, human interaction is more interesting due to body language. Some people will have a hard time following a lecture or case studies online, but they can have a better understanding when the teacher teaching them in the classroom and using their own stories. For example, I had an online class with an interesting teacher, that class is not dry at all due to personal life sharing. She gave a puzzle-solving example according to the lecture for her daughter and let us understand the concepts of sociocultural theory. Everyone will have a better image when we mention this concept and I will immediately remember her examples that explain “what we can do, what we can do with help and what we can not do” (Sukhawathanak. Paweena, personal communication, Lecture chapter 1). Pictures and videos are a very valuable way once they balance with real-life interactions.
