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The Role of Stories in Multimedia Learning-Blog2(zihan Bai)

Learning theory is a hot topic nowadays because we are using behaviorist theories, cognitive theories, and constructivist theories together in our interactive learning method. People need interactions with each other not only to gain knowledge but also for self-reflection. For example. When we have a bad parenting model, we are more likely to adopt that bad behavior. However, if we are living in a good cultural background, we are more likely to develop high plasticity. Our behavior and cognition influence one and another so once we understand how does learning theory work, we will know how to make good interactions through the lessons.

According to today’s lecture, I had learned a lot about Dual coding theory. Before I learned those, I was making PowerPoint either just using images and words or videos with words. I never thought about combined images and video together or using voice records instead of words. I think the voice recording inside of PPT will be more interesting than dry paragraphs. Also, combined those two elements will shift our short-term memory to long term memory due to the retrieval cue. Ears and eyes are the most sensitive part of our body, so if we are making something to catch attention, we will make more engagement in our PPT.

The Hypothesis tool is very useful for teachers and students to interact and trying to build a collaboration environment. Students can simply type the annotations on the part that they did not understand. However, the disadvantage is a student may face a hard time learning how to use it because it was a new tool for students. Overall, this tool did catch my attention and interests.

Audio Channel Visual Channel













Blog 1 EDCI337 Personal Reflection

According to all articles on Brightspace in this chapter, I learned that we should combine and balance non-digital multimedia and digital multimedia together. I have experienced multiple non-digital multimedia teaching methods such as brainstorm, story sharing, nature walks, and group discussions. Those are useful ways to gain knowledge because students can have natural feelings according to stories or case studies. When teacher use stories telling method or students sharing their own experiences with others are more likely to think how this experience relates or affect to themselves. Once this story was shared by a real person, we will see true emotional changes and facial expressions. People will have a real feeling attached to themselves and more likely to engage in discussions. From the psychological point of view, nowadays more and more people have social anxiety and prefer digital multimedia learning style. People are afraid of facing a real person because they feel embarrassed or shy to speak (Schmidt, 2020). However, human interaction is more interesting due to body language. Some people will have a hard time following a lecture or case studies online, but they can have a better understanding when the teacher teaching them in the classroom and using their own stories. For example, I had an online class with an interesting teacher, that class is not dry at all due to personal life sharing. She gave a puzzle-solving example according to the lecture for her daughter and let us understand the concepts of sociocultural theory. Everyone will have a better image when we mention this concept and I will immediately remember her examples that explain “what we can do, what we can do with help and what we can not do” (Sukhawathanak. Paweena, personal communication, Lecture chapter 1). Pictures and videos are a very valuable way once they balance with real-life interactions.


Comment on Teaching Technology Addiction in a Highschool Classroom

Hey, @Pod 6 group members. Thank you for sharing an amazing lesson with us. I really like the topic that you choosing because I know there are more and more students who face this problem and it actually affects their behavior. Technologies are so popular nowadays and everyone needs them at some point during the day so it was really hard for a student to get rid of this habit. However, as I read the lesson that you explain, I slowly believe we can make some changes that are for sure.  For example, in the activity part, I really like how you give the cues to lead students step by step.  On the other hand, I suggest the appendix ABC can move closer or attach to the bar so it will make more sense when you address that. I really like the tips that support students but I think if the tips create more directly using visual learning elements will be more persuasive.  Furthermore, it is a really good mark rubric that having less restriction but I think participation is a really important part of this lesson too. And if the teacher does not encourage students to participate then it will be hard to gain knowledge.  I am thinking based on the lesson maybe the lesson itself needs to use less technology teaching style to encourage students maybe? It will be a good idea to have more face to face interaction activities than video activities or use natural elements. If teachers or students really want to see the changes I think they need to do those questionnaires to test themselves again and compare them to the beginning of the lecture. I think you guys forgot the reference page too. Overall, I think the lesson is amazing and I wish I can learn more about that. I am addicted to technology so I am learning through this lesson too. I hope to see some changes in the future and hope my comments help.

Blog Comments (Zihan Bai)

Comment 1:

Hey, Japanese teacher thank you for sharing these concepts so deeply and I find it is interesting to read with those little pictures. Sometimes pictures give more clear information than a bench of a long paragraph. It is easy to understand the steps and reasons when you break down into steps. I like how you say do brainstorm first because people do not do that often and just skip this part really easy. However, brainstorm is a way of processing so people should see and discuss brainstorm ideas together then write the project. It is easy to follow and change when we have plans first. And I definitely agree that is the new way for introverted people like me and have some interesting way to express myself!!

Comment 2:

Hey, Candice Shang, I like how you understanding and explain the backward bike part. I feel the same way and he definitely did change the bike ride to a new thing to learn. When you view the world or item differently you will find it hard to understand or confuse first but it was a good way to challenge your brain ability. If we can not find a solution in one way why don’t we try another way right? I never thought this until you mention it. Thank you for pointing that out. And I also like your experience with drum class. I am thinking to take that class next year. After listening to your story, I am more interested in that class because I am shy too and I was gaining more confidence through some classes like that!

Comment 3:

Hey, Jiaxiaozi, thank you for sharing the cooperative learning understanding. I am hoping that maybe you can change your background? Because the red part of the person it overlapped with the words. So I am worried about our professor will not clear to see your point. However, I like how to explain cooperative learning relate to public goods. I want to know more about public goods and what is public good and how your group teaching us. I am not quite understanding what public goods is there. Overall, I think we definitely need cooperative learning in the economy because the different groups have a different point of view. I think people have one goal to achieve is to make the economy more successful in their own country. I think you want to talk about more cooperative learning to gain more benefits for public goods.

Comment 4:

Hey group member!! I like your video and I think we should definitely put this in our teaching. That is an amazing activity to let students do free drawing and compare it with a given topic and no topic. I find that will be an interesting comparison. To read through this I want to involve this activity too can I join?? I like how you said everyone can be an artist and give those children to build more confidence. It was a creative way to help children to express themselves in a clear way.

Comment 5:

Hey, Yirunjin, I like how to say interaction is a long-term learning habit, especially through those days. We kind of lack interactions due to covid-19 but we can find different ways to interact with other people. I agree nowadays there are thousands and thousands of videos out in the internet world, so people need to make the videos interesting to attract the audience’s eyes. If there is no interaction with each other, people will feel lonely and have more problems with psychological issues. People should at least connect to each other no matter in what way.


Interaction Prompt (Zihan Bai)

The video is teaching students how to draw properly and what is the meaning of composition in art. The lecture delivered through computer technology and make interactions with online resources like YouTube videos. Some media and video may “push” learners to respond like pop quiz when you finish you can continue to play the video, but this video did not force learners to do any pop quiz or response anything. It was playing very smoothly using good examples combined with visual explanations.

Students need to learn something after watching this video, so they need to take several notes when they are watching this video. I would like to make an activity to create a high-quality lecture. The best learning environment is mixing material interaction, teacher and student interaction, and students with students’ interaction together. People will gain more interest through a fun activity. Firstly, students will need to watch this video either during their own time or people can watch together in class on a zoom lecture. According to the article “Handwriting vs. Typing: How to Choose the Best Method to Take Notes”, people should take notes by hand to force the brain to involve “deeper cognitive-processing”. Actions and movements may activate your brain while writing notes down. Secondly, due to understanding, students need to draw a picture based on what they learn and all the materials that teach in the video like showing what is balance and how to use color to catch the audience’s eyes. When students did their work, teachers put them into small groups as a breakout room and let them share their drawings. The group needs to choose the best work that represents the idea and post on a classroom discussion board that everyone can see it. Through the second part, teachers will have to check on each group to clarify some misunderstanding concepts and lead the students in the right way. Finally, teachers will give every group feedback about their advantages and disadvantages. Art is a creative design, so it is hard to criticize but students need to understand the basic concepts. Sometimes it can hard to explain through technologies, but we can create an office hour or TA can help with that through zoom.

The activity may take some time to work on it and teachers need to involve during a group meeting in case some group has questions to ask. However, if this takes too much time, we can provide a lab section that TA helps to answer some questions during the group meeting. Interactions will be worth for long term learning habits and understanding those concepts with full supports. This design can be useful for both the classroom environment and online lecture.

Reference: Article-,the%20material%20than%20typing%20it.


Inclusive Design prompt (Zihan Bai)

Nowadays, people are facing more barriers than before due to covid 19. For example, lectures and studies are all delivered in a classroom environment and people are more likely to engage and interact with each other. However, those days we are no longer be able to make to school so people will be less likely to study at home. I know many teachers are using a zoom meeting as a tool to create a classroom environment but due to privacy and internet safety, many people do not like to put the video on or mic on. As a school, the student community can create a survey to see what those barriers that students facing and what goals they want to achieve. Some students are struggling with times like off country, some people are struggling with understanding the concepts, and some people may struggle with attention.

Due to those difficulties, I think we should make one app that supports individuals to manage their time. The first step, it is letting professors creating both live lectures and video lectures so if people are studying in a different country, they can choose for themselves. I know some people prefer live lectures to force themselves in a face-to-face lecture mood so they can have the opportunity to keep doing that. The second step is making the lectures more fun and simpler. We are facing a different kind of students right now like some people may have the disorder or struggle with technologies. Games and flashcards can make big changes for engagements. Fun stuff and interesting learning way can help to study. Any students may add to what they like in this app to share with other classmates. I would like TA to create a chat bar in this app that could make it easier to chat with questions and students will find it more straightforward than emailing so many times. Finally, we make a timetable builder in this app to attract individuals’ daily lives. During those online study, people need to manage time closely. Students should balance some activity along with studies. When students open this app up, they no longer receive Facebook messages, Snapchat, or limit condition clothes notices. Distractions are a big barrier to step in front of people and block study interest.

This app will require audio or visual options to let people feel comfortable using it since everyone learning styles are different. The design is not only for an online class under this situation, it can also for future uses such as people are busy at work and can not make to the class. Disability students will find this way is more relaxing than sitting in the classroom.


Cooperative learning & Visual Art

What is cooperative learning?

Cooperative learning is a way to study or work in a group to achieve same goal. Students will interact with each other to process the lecture lessons. Each student needs to take some responsibilities to help the group out. Some of the lessons can be hard, so students will have to communicate with other members and learn how to work together. The important thing of this method is trying to learn from your competitor and work with your opponent. This method is also a way to help students engage more instead of working by themselves. Nowadays, the society is likely pay attention to individual work so people will be less likely to work together. According to the theory in 1900s, Kurt Koffka found that interdependence is existing among more than one person involve and impact on each other. More people involve will increase the motivation on cooperative and competitive behavior (David W Johnson and Roger T Johnson). Cooperative learning will base on the teacher’s lesson and expand the idea more in a small group. People will be more comfortable to share the ideas in small group.

Cooperative learning in Visual art:

Cooperative learning can be hard for visual art depend on what is the project. Because of the individual thinking, everyone will have their own creative idea. However, it will be helpful if people do step by step. For example, when one person has no idea what to do, the group can do brainstorm together. And figure out the best way to express the whole feeling. Visual art involves full of knowledge and creativity, so when the small group have different ideas, they can share their ideas with each other. Different background and different imagination may help to gain knowledge through this activity. Visual art is a big piece to achieve like sometime students need to draw an art on wall. This method can reduce individual pressure, and everyone have chance to work on something. People will learn how to draw with other people and take the responsibility to support other members. I believe if people use more cooperative learning, the art will be much different and mixture due to new ideas.

Use cooperative learning in learning resource:

I think this cooperative learning idea will help our group project. My group project is focusing on grade 6 to 8 students and teach them how to use painting to express their feeling in a collaborative mural assignment. This method can be really helpful because grade 6 to 8 students do not have full of experience so they can learn a lot from other group members. Learning with same age students are actually quicker than teacher directly teaching lessons. Students will find more fun to share their stories and ideas. Cognitive and human interactive are developing fast during young ages. Students may build more self confidence and engagement through this project. If students are using this method repeatedly, it will be easier to help them build retrieval memory. When they attend work in future, they can use this knowledge to work with other people.



Comment for Learning prompts

Comments on Zoey blog

Thank you for sharing the experience about learning Spanish. Sometimes learning new language might be hard due to interest like you said people will easily to lose interest if they do not have a strong passion. I feel the same way if i do not have strong passion and not keep working on it i will lose the interest so fast. And i know a lot of people like to switch things a lot because they will feel bored easily. They can not find new things in one interest. So how can you deal with that? Do you have any strategy idea to share? Furthermore, I saw you said because of family expection and environmental influence, people can not follow or decide their interest. So in your opinion is it more important to survive like make money or is that more important to find what you interest? And I know a lot of people that they do not have choice due to family issues so how can we help them?

Comments on Caprim blog

Thank you for sharing the experience. It was a very interesting thought about target same as business idea. For example, if i want to invest something i should think who is my target and who i focus on. Then set a goal to achieve. Yes i would like to think about that as making my passion for long term investment. Finding a mental supporter is a really good way to keep everything going. As myself, I always set a mental supporter behind my goal like i want to finish my psychology degree because i want to help more people and help my family to get rid off the stressful situation. There is always something to push myself otherwise i will easily to give up!!



Response the Learning Prompts(zihan bai)

After reading those three articles I found out the concept of confirmation bias was really difficult to understand and hard to achieve because I never thought people are doing misconceptions very often in daily lives. Also, I was in philosophy class last semester and I thought I already know how people are having false beliefs or confirmation bias. It was easy to correct based on practices and tricks. For example, I always think man should be treat equally in marriage. However, when the problem comes to my real life, I immediately think man should take responsibilities, get a job and work twice hard than woman. So, it is end up judging my dad when he doesn’t do the house work or doesn’t get a job right away. I just put “man stereotype” on my dad. Because of my misconception thinking, I do not think break our daily thinking is that hard to achieve. However, as I get to read the article “Why is learning hard?”, I slowly understand if we want to fix our misconceptions, we need to have motivation in the beginning and question ourselves based on what we already know. Then try to make a plan to achieve the goal.

Due to the misconceptions in my mind, I finally decide to take some steps to change that. I really don’t want my confirmation bias effect my life in future like misunderstanding my family members or friends. My motivation is changing stereotypes about all male. First, I was trying to do all the works that my dads did. For example, I was doing house work and attending to a job everyday. I found a job in China that had similar pressure as my dad’s job which was a company employee who report to colleagues. After I done my work everyday, I went back to home and I still got house work to do. Finally, I found out where was my dad’s pressure come from. There were reasons behind his anger and all the responsibilities he needs to take. Overall, when the misconceptions come to mind, I just imagine myself into that situations and put myself in the other person’s shoes. My philosophy professor teaches me a good advice is trying to avoid the gender different like he always covers the name while he is marking the test. As a result, according to the article “Why is learning har?”, I like to conclude that I know give less credibility to what we already agree and change our thought that we already believe is super hard; but reward and surprise always come to the end (Chapter1, September 14th, 2020). That positive reinforcement may shape our personality too.

self introduction

hey my name is zihan bai but i prefer Amy bai in this class. I am psyc major student in third year. I like human behavior and interesting in what people is thinking that stuff. In my free time i like to cook, bake, draw, listen music, hike, watch movie, chill with friends and long walks in natural. I am friendly and nice person so feel free to ask any questions. I like to make new friends so i can add you on ins or snapchat.

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